All posts tagged: Nayarit

What to Pack – Sayulita, Mexico

Funny thing is, I didn’t sleep before I boarded my flight and packed / deliriously edited this video straight through the AM.  So, this time on my trip, I forgot: my mascara, sunglasses, sports bra for hiking, socks, iPad charger and most importantly left my camera battery plugged into the wall.  However, in that typically Sayulita way, everything actually worked out!

You’d be surprised how little I knew even up to yesterday. – Jack Kerouac

As the year is coming to an end, I am looking forward to beginning 2015 in a place that has recently become very close to my heart, Sayulita, Mexico. I tend to fall in love with many of the various locales where I travel but Sayulita, like Gallipoli, is a place where I’ve left a piece of myself, revisiting it every year as I shed the layers of the month past and start anew.