Month: November 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

  You know what’s strange here, Black Friday is such a big thing. Advertisements all over the place advertising sales and deals, but many people are quite confused as to remembering when it is. They don’t have that Thanksgiving Thursday then Black Friday marker that we Americans do. Michele told me it’s picking up steam in Italy as well which is also quite funny because many don’t even know what the words mean. Thanksgiving Thursday is tomorrow, and I’m spending it here in London. It’s not the first time I’ve spent Thanksgiving abroad, but I am usually with family even if I am overseas. This year, I’ll be enjoying a quiet dinner in Notting Hill and sharing traditions with someone pretty awesome. I am so thankful that this year has lead me to a place where I am happy, I’m thriving and I’m exactly where I want to be. I count my blessings everyday and this practice in gratitude has led me to not sweat the small stuff and to be honest, relax a bit on …