Month: August 2016

New Podcast! Never Date a Traveler

I’m excited to announce I’ve finally gotten around to launching my new podcast, Never Date a Traveler, violable on Soundcloud and, as of today, on iTunes! Which is pretty awesome, someone can choose to listen to me on ITUNES! I really believe the fastest way to learn a new language or to learn about a culture is to date someone of that culture. Latin and Spanish definitely helped me pick up Italian quickly while studying in Milan, but dating Italians no doubt expedited the process. To ignore that being a charming girl with a good smile doesn’t help me when I travel would be silly. At times, it even gives me access to people and events I otherwise wouldn’t have access to, like the perfect fondue spot in the Swiss Alps, or an artist rave in Milan. There are few things I love more than story-time with my best girlfriends recounting these adventures. Dating is something I have always wanted to cover on ‘N A Perfect World, but I’m one for an epic whirlwind romance …