All posts tagged: Sayulita

Podcast: Never Date a Traveler – Sayulita

This next fellow traveler met Sayulita Nneya as I was figuring out ‘N A Perfect World. It was a time of transition in my life and seemingly his; it was like kismet when we met and it was one of those moments that I’ll be reliving the passion for years to come, until I’m a little old lady, like Rose from Titanic. Here’s the latest of my Never Date a Traveler podcasts…

That effortless glow…

It’s no secret to anyone that knows me that I love a good rejuvenating beach vacation. In fact I credit taking that beach attitude with me everywhere I go as my major beauty secret, that and simply, black don’t crack. Really, I even mentioned this in my Avon campaign. This week I shared my Beach Betty secrets with Check it out!