All posts filed under: podcast

Starting A New Decade: Hope for the Future from South Africa’s Past

Happy New Year! This past month has been a whirlwind. After leaving Italy, I came back to NYC and enjoyed a few days at home before heading to the west coast of Mexico, Zihuatanejo, for 3 days, hoping on a flight back to NYC for an event and an early AM flight to Detroit with Glam4Good. After a relaxing holiday break with my family, I’m so excited to head into this new decade. I’m jumped headfirst into work and have a strong feeling that this year will be a year of major change personally and professionally. I have so much content to share with you and am often torn (and exhausted!) keeping up with social media that I neglect NAPW. But I have such a deep satisfaction from writing that I’ll never give up blogging. My resolution is to be more consistent with it! Not just the consistency from microblogging on social media. When thinking about the new year and the future, I went back to an interview I did with South African ANC freedom …

Never Date a Traveler 2.2 – What Are You?

As “others,” we are more often than not asked to define what we are. We also usually have a split second to decide the intentions of our interrogator. Am I black? Am I a New Yorker? Am I an American? Am I Caribbean-American? Naomi happens to love the word exotic. It conjures images of beautiful art. Jennifer and I are wary of the reductionist tone it often takes. Where do we belong?

Podcast: Never Date a Traveler – Lima

“Damn, I should have brought my tripod.” It was my first day touring around Lima, Peru and I was checking out the beautiful murals of the Barranco art district. Some of the walls were truly incredible and I wanted to get some shots in front of them. Eh, I rarely ask strangers, I’d rather just do it myself. But this time around ended up being different.

Podcast: Never Date a Traveler – Sayulita

This next fellow traveler met Sayulita Nneya as I was figuring out ‘N A Perfect World. It was a time of transition in my life and seemingly his; it was like kismet when we met and it was one of those moments that I’ll be reliving the passion for years to come, until I’m a little old lady, like Rose from Titanic. Here’s the latest of my Never Date a Traveler podcasts…

Podcast: Never Date a Traveler – Kaua’i

Kaua’i is beautiful. Quite honestly, it’s the most naturally beautiful place I’ve ever been to. Many Hawaiians told me it was their favorite island and it’s easy to see why: from blessings to peaks, I absolutely fell in love with this island if you can remember from my article for Vice’s Amuse. The locals are pretty beautiful as well. Which brings me to the latest edition of Never Date a Traveler – Kaua’i. Screw roses and chocolates; a zip-tied bouquet of gardenias (see polaroid above), yummy starfruit and breadfruit make this the best first date gifting situation yet! Hear all about it on Soundcloud or iTunes!  

Podcast: Never Date A Traveler – Loano

It started with Grace Jones at a gala in Milan and ended in Italy’s Boca Raton. In between, there was a possible robbery, a strike and that glorious feeling of why not that can only be captured by Italian sprezzatura. Listen to this week’s edition of Never Date a Traveler and find out how I really detox after Fashion Month.